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Imazapyr 4SL Forestry 53% Herbicide 1 Gallon - Replaces Arsenal AC, Polaris AC


Price: $129.95


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Imazapyr 4SL 52.6% (1 Gallon) -Same Active ingredient as Arsenal AC


Imazapyr 4SL controls vegetation by absorption through foliage and roots, treated plants stop growing soon after spray treatment. Chlorosis (yellowing of plant tissue) first appears in the newest leaves and necrosis spreads from this point. In perennials, Imazapyr 4SL is translocated into and kills the roots and underground storage tissues to prevent most regrowth. Chlorosis and tissue necrosis may not be apparent in some plant species for several weeks after application and may take months for various woody plants, brush and trees.

In the State of New York, aquatic uses are not allowed.

For the control of undesirable vegetation in forestry sites, aquatic sites, grass pasture, rangeland, fence rows, maintenance of wildlife openings, and industrial non-cropland areas including railroad, utility, pipeline rights-of-way, utility plant sites, petroleum tank farms, pumping installations, storage areas, building perimeters, irrigation and non-irrigation ditchbanks, roads, transmission lines, and industrial bare ground areas.

If there are weeds present, we recommend adding Glyphosate 4 Plus. Imazapyr is not a contact killer. It works through the ground, so it can take a while to kill existing weeds.

  • Imazapyr 4SL is an aqueous solution intended to be mixed in water and surfactant and applied as a post-emergent spray for control of most annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds, vines, brambles, hardwood brush, trees for forestry site preparation and release of conifers from woody and herbaceous competition. 
  • This product may be used for selective woody and herbaceous weed control in natural regeneration of certain conifers. 
  • This product may also be mixed in water and used for stump and cut-stem treatment for control of unwanted woody vegetation. 
  • This product can be applied along forest roads to control undesirable vegetation. 
  • This product can be used for the control of undesirable vegetation along non-irrigation ditchbanks and for the establishment and maintenance of wildlife openings. 
  • When applied post-emergence to weeds, Imazapyr 4 SL will control most annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in addition to many brush and vine species.
  • Imazapyr 4SL will provide residual control of labeled weeds which germinate in the treated areas. 
  • Post-emergence application with a surfactant is the method of choice in most situations, particularly for perennial weeds. For maximum affect, weeds should be growing vigorously at post-emergence application and the spray solution should include a surfactant.