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Spur Herbicide - 1 Gallon


Price: $149.95


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Spur Herbicide (1 Gallon)

Broadleaf weed and woody brush control in non-cropland areas, forest sites and other industrial areas, range and pastureland. Excellent control and population reduction of thistles!

Spur herbicide is a selective, post-emergence herbicide for postemergence control of broadleaf weeds and woody brush in asparagus, Brassica (Cole) leafy vegetables, canola, Christmas tree plantations, tree plantations, fallow cropland, field corn, forest sites, garden beet, grasses grown for seed, mint, popcorn, spinach, stone fruits, sugar beet, sweet corn, turnip, barley, oats and wheat not under seeded with a legume, conservation reserve program (CRP) acres, non-cropland (including industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way, and wildlife openings including grazed areas on these sites, tree plantations), southern pine seedbeds, and rangeland and permanent grass pastures.