- Crop Protection Products
- Cimarron Plus Herbicide - 10 Ounces
- Cimarron Plus Herbicide - 2 Ounces
- Permit 75WG Herbicide - 20 Ounces
- Gunslinger P + D - 2.5 Gallons - (Replaces Grazon P + D, Picloram + D)
- Rhomene MCPA Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon
- Triumph 22K - 2.5 Gallons (Replaces Tordon 22K)
- Spur Herbicide - 1 Gallon
- Distinct Herbicide - 7.5 Pounds
- Whetstone Herbicide - 1 Gallon (same AI as Milestone) or 4x Quarts = 1 gallon
- Whetstone Herbicide - 1 Quart (same AI as Milestone)
- Prescott Herbicide - 1 Gallon (compare to Redeem R+P, 2D & Confront)
- Prescott Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon (compare to Redeem R+P, 2D & Confront)
- Crop Nutrition
- Food Plot Products
- Rangeland & Pasture Products
- Cryder Herbicide - 20 Ounces (Same active ingredient as Outrider)
- Spike 20P Herbicide - 5 Pounds (Pelleted Brush Killer)
- Stinger Herbicide - 1 Quart
- Esplanade 200 SC Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Esplanade 200 SC Herbicide - 1 Quart
- Chisum Herbicide - 10 Ounces (Replaces Cimarron Plus Herbicide)
- Outrider Herbicide - 20 Ounces
- Range Star Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Dicamba + 2,4-D, compare to Weedmaster, Grassmaster)
- Gunslinger AMP Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Replaces Forefront HL, GrazonNext HL)
- Weedmaster Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Dicamba + 2,4-D, compare to Range Star, Grassmaster)
- Triumph RTU Cut Stump Killer - 1 Quart (same as Tordon RTU)
- Tordon RTU Cut Stump Killer - 1 Quart - Free Shipping!
- Dicamba HD Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Replaces Clarity)
- Laramie 25DF Herbicide - 1 Pound (same AI as Matrix)
- Grassmaster Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Dicamba + 2,4-D, compare to Weedmaster, Range Star)
- GrazonNext HL Herbicide - 2 Gallons (Replaces Forefront HL)
- Whetstone Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (same AI as Milestone) - free shipping
- Milestone Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Dicamba DMA Broadleaf Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Replaces Banvel, Topeka)
- Milestone Herbicide - 1 Quart
- Tordon RTU Cut Stump Killer - 1 Quart
- Panoramic 2SL Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Replaces Plateau)
- Panoramic 2SL Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Replaces Plateau)
- Solve 2,4-D Ester Broadleaf Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon (replaces Weedone)
- Orchard & Vineyards
- Assail 30SG Insecticide - 64 Ounces (4 Pounds)
- Actara Insecticide - 30 Ounces
- Altacor Insecticide - 16 Ounces
- Avaunt Insecticide - 18 Ounces (Replaced by Avaunt Evo)
- Esteem 35 WP Insect Growth Regulator - 10x5 Ounces
- Voliam Flexi Insecticide - 16 Ounces
- Delegate Insecticide - 26 Ounces
- Sevin XLR Plus - 2.5 Gallons - Compare to Carbaryl
- Conserve SC Miticide - 1 Quart
- EverGreen 60-6 Insecticide - 1 Gallon (Better than Pyganic 5.0)
- Altacor Insecticide - 40 Ounces
- ArVida 30SG Insecticide - 64 Ounces (4 Pounds) (same AI as Assail)
- Avaunt eVo Insecticide - 30 Ounces
- Centaur WDG Insect Growth Regulator - 4.32 lb
- Assail 70WP Insecticide - 28 Ounces (1lb 12oz)
- Altacor eVo Insecticide - 18 Ounces
- Turf & Ornamentals
- Derigo Herbicide - 60 Ounces
- Crew Herbicide - 50 Pound Bag (Mulch Bed Weed Inhibitor)
- Triad T Select Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon (Triad Select with triclopyr)
- Triad SFZ Select Herbicide with Sulfentrazone - 2.5 Gallons (Replaces Surge)
- Sublime Herbicide - 1 Gallon (contains triclopyr, dicamba, mesotrione) - Free Shipping!
- Sublime Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon (contains triclopyr, dicamba, mesotrione) - Free Shipping!
- Sulfentrazone 4SC Select - 1/2 Gallon
- Sulfentrazone 4SC Select - 6 oz
- Confront Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Broadleaf Control for Turf Grasses)
- Triad Select Herbicide - 1 Quart (Replaces Trimec 992)
- Triad Select Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Replaces Trimec 992)
- Escalade 2 Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon (Replaces Change Up)
- Triad Select Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Replaced Trimec 992)
- Dacthal FL Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Maestro 2EC Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons - (compare to Buctril 2EC, Brox 2EC)
- Dismiss South Herbicide - 1 Pint
- BroadStar Herbicide - 50 Pounds
- Aquatics, Pond & Lake Management
- Vegetation Management
- Velpar DF Herbicide - 20 Pounds
- Ecomazapyr 2SL Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Ground Sterilizer - Replaces Arsenal, Imazapyr 2SL, and Polaris)
- Remnant Herbicide - 1 Gallon - Bare Ground Control (Glyphosate + Imazapyr)
- Remnant Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons - Bare Ground Control (Glyphosate + Imazapyr)
- Ecomazapyr 2SL Herbicide - 30 Gallons (Ground Sterilizer - Replaces Arsenal, Imazapyr 2SL, and Polaris)
- Finale XL F-VM Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Krenite S Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Flumigard Herbicide - 1 Pound (51% Flumioxazin)
- Flumigard Herbicide - 5 Pounds (51% Flumioxazin)
- Semera 51% WDG Herbicide - 5 pounds (Replaces Sureguard, Clipper)
- Arsenal Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Ground Sterilizer - Same as Ecomazapyr 2SL, and Polaris)
- Promenade Herbicide - 12 Pounds (Replaces Payload) (flumioxazin active ingredient)
- Flumigard SC Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Flumioxazin)
- SFM 75 Herbicide - 12 Pounds (Replaces Oust XP, Spyder)
- Oust XP Herbicide - 3 Pounds (same AI as SFM 75)
- Oust XP Herbicide - 12 Pounds (same AI as SFM 75)
- Promenade SC - 2.5 Gallons (Replaces Payload) (flumioxazin active ingredient)
- Flumigard SC Herbicide - 1/2 Gallon (Flumioxazin)
- Ballast Herbicide 2.5 Gallon - (Imazapyr, Flumioxazin) - FREE shipping
- Spyder Herbicide - 3 Pounds (Compare to Oust XP, SFM 75)
- Mainline Herbicide 2.5 Gallon - (Imazapic, Flumioxazin) - free shipping
- Mainline Herbicide 1 Gallon - (Imazapic, Flumioxazin) - free shipping
- Mojave 70EG Herbicide - 5 Pounds (Replaces Sahara)
- Ecomazapyr 2SL Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons (Ground Sterilizer - Replaces Arsenal, Imazapyr 2SL, and Polaris)
- Ecomazapyr 2SL Herbicide - 1 Quart (Ground Sterilizer - Replaces Arsenal, Imazapyr 2SL, and Polaris)
- Imazapyr 4SL Forestry 53% Herbicide 1 Quart - Replaces Arsenal AC, Polaris AC
- Imazapyr 4SL Forestry 53% Herbicide 1 Gallon - Replaces Arsenal AC, Polaris AC
- Mojave 70EG Herbicide - 25 Pounds (Replaces Sahara)
- Pramitol 25E Herbicide - Ground sterilizer - 2.5 Gallon Jug
- Imazapyr 4SL Forestry 53% Herbicide 2.5 Gallon - Replaces Arsenal AC, Polaris AC
- Pramitol 25E Herbicide - Ground sterilizer - 1 Gallon
- Pramitol 5PS Pellets - Ground sterilizer (25 lb)
- SFM 75 Herbicide - 3 Pounds (Replaces Oust XP, Spyder)
- Imazapyr 4SL Forestry 53% Herbicide - 30 Gallon Drum (Replaces Arsenal AC, Polaris AC)
- Chlorsulfuron 75 Herbicide - 16 Ounces (Replaces Telar XP)
- Diuron 4L Herbicide - 30 Gallons
- Pramitol 5PS Pellets - Ground sterilizer (40x25 lb) 1000 lb Pallet
- Karmex DF Herbicide - 25 Pound Bag (80% Diuron)
- Westar Herbicide - 15 Pounds
- Karmex DF Herbicide - 5 Pound Bag (80% Diuron)
- Tebuthiuron 20P Herbicide (25 Pounds) Pellet Brush Killer Replaces Spike 20P
- Tebuthiuron 80WG Herbicide (25 Pounds) Brush Killer - Replaces Spike 80WG
- Diuron 80DF Herbicide - 25 Pound bag
- Bromacil/Diuron 40/40 - 6 Pounds (Replaces Krovar, Brahma 44) or Brahma 44
- Bromacil/Diuron 40/40 - 25 Pounds
- Bromacil 80WG Herbicide - 6 Pounds (Replaces Hyvar)
- Bromacil 80WG Herbicide - 25 Pounds (Replaces Hyvar)
- Diuron 4L Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Diuron 80DF Herbicide - 5 Pound Bag
- Organic Products
- Bonide Home & Garden Products
- Clearance Specials
- Pre-Emergent Herbicides
- Armezon PRO Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Aquesta FR Herbicide (10 Pounds) (Compare to Authority First)
- Warrant Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Lexar EZ Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Trizmet II Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Fierce XLT Herbicide (6 Pounds)
- Eptam 7E Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- Capreno Herbicide - 1 Gallon
- Boundary 6.5EC Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Authority Elite Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Authority Assist Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Authority MTZ DF Herbicide (12 Pounds)
- Authority XL Herbicide (10 Pounds)
- Atrazine 90DF Herbicide (25 Pounds)
- Acuron Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Bicep Lite II Mag 6L Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Bicep II Magnum 5.5L Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Brawl II Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) Replaces Dual Magnum and Dual II Magnum
- Brawl II ATZ Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) Replaces Bicep II Magnum
- BroadAxe XC Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Cobra Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Degree Xtra 4.04ME Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Dual II Magnum 7.64E Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Express Totalsol Herbicide (15 Ounces)
- Authority First Herbicide (10 Pounds)
- Atrazine 4-L Herbicide (2.5 Gallons)
- Product Close Out Specials
- Accessories
- Animal Control
- Bulk Sizes
- Flat Rate Shipping Offers
- Insecticides & Miticides
- Plant Growth Regulators & Fruit Protectants
- Apogee Plant Growth Regulator - 5 Pounds (compare to Cryova)
- Fruitone N Plant Growth Regulator - 20 oz
- PoMaxa Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Gallon (Replaces Fruitone L)
- Bonzi Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Quart
- Surround WP Insecticide/Protectant - 25 Pounds
- Royal MH-30 Xtra Plant Growth Regulator - 2.5 Gallon
- Amid-Thin W Plant Growth Regulator - (1 lb)
- Sprout-Stop Plant Growth Regulator - 2.5 Gallon
- Royal MH-30 Xtra Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Gallon
- Ethephon 2SL - Plant Growth Regulator - 2.5 Gallons
- Palisade Maxx Plant Growth Regulator - 2.5 Gal
- Pinzola EC Plant Growth Regulator - 2.5 Gal (same AI as Palisade Maxx)
- Paclo Pro Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Gallon
- MaxCel Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Gallon
- ReTain Plant Growth Regulator - 0.73 lb
- Promalin Plant Growth Regulator - 1 Quart
- Roundup & Generic Glyphosates
- Durango DMA Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons
- AgSaver - 265 Gallons (Ag labeled 53.8% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, Gly Star 5 Extra)
- GlyStar 5 Extra - 265 Gallons (Ag labeled 53.8% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Agsaver)
- GlyStar 5 Extra - 30 Gallons (Ag labeled 53.8% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Agsaver)
- GlyStar 5 Extra - 2.5 Gallons (Ag labeled 53.8% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Agsaver)
- Ranger Pro - 2.5 Gallon (41% glyphosate, same as Credit 41 Extra, Glyphosate 4 Plus, Gly Star Plus)
- Roundup PowerMax 3 Herbicide Weed Killer - 51.2% Glyphosate - 30 Gallons
- GlyStar Plus - 265 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Credit 41 Extra)
- Surmise Pro Weedkiller - 2.5 Gallon - Glyphosate free Roundup Replacement (Same AI as Liberty, Cheetah, Interline)
- Buccaneer Plus - 2.5 Gallon (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Gly Star Plus)
- GlyStar Plus - 2.5 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Credit 41 Extra)
- GlyStar Plus - 1 Gallon (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Credit 41 Extra)
- Credit 41 Extra - 30 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Gly Star Plus)
- Surmise Pro Weedkiller - 1 Gallon - Glyphosate free Roundup Replacement (Same AI as Liberty, Cheetah, Interline)
- Credit 41 Extra - 2.5 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Gly Star Plus)
- GlyStar Plus - 30 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Credit 41 Extra)
- Credit 41 Extra - 265 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Gly Star Plus)
- Glyphosate 4 Plus - 2.5 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Gly Star Plus, Credit 41 Extra)
- Roundup PowerMax 3 Herbicide Weed Killer - 51.2% Glyphosate - 2.5 Gallons
- Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide Weed Killer - 50.2% Glyphosate with Surfactant - 30 Gallon Drum
- Roundup QuikPro Herbicide Weed Killer - 5x1.5 Ounces - FREE Shipping
- Roundup QuikPro Herbicide Weed Killer - 5x1.5 Ounces
- Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide Weed Killer - 50.2% Glyphosate with Surfactant - 2.5 Gallons
- Roundup QuikPro Herbicide Weed Killer - 6.8 lb Shipping Included
- Roundup QuikPro SC Total Herbicide Weed Killer - 2.5 Gallons
- Roundup QuikPro SC Total Herbicide Weed Killer - 1.125 Gallons
- Roundup QuikPro Herbicide Weed Killer - 6.8 Pounds
- Glyphosate 5.4 - 53.8% Aquatic Glyphosate (No surfactant) - 2.5 Gallons - similar to Rodeo
- Surfactants & Misc Products
- Wholesale Items
- Crop Protection Products
- Crop Protection Products
- Crop Nutrition
- Food Plot Products
- Rangeland & Pasture Products
- Orchard & Vineyards
- Turf & Ornamentals
- Aquatics, Pond & Lake Management
- Vegetation Management
- Organic Products
- Bonide Home & Garden Products
- Clearance Specials
- Pre-Emergent Herbicides
- Product Close Out Specials
- Accessories
- Animal Control
- Bulk Sizes
- Flat Rate Shipping Offers
- Insecticides & Miticides
- Plant Growth Regulators & Fruit Protectants
- Roundup & Generic Glyphosates
- Surfactants & Misc Products
- Wholesale Items
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Credit 41 Extra - 2.5 Gallons (41% Glyphosate, generic Roundup, compare to Glyphosate 4 Plus, Gly Star Plus)