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Ecomazapyr 2SL Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Ground Sterilizer - Replaces Arsenal, Imazapyr 2SL, and Polaris)


Price: $127.80


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Ecomazapyr 2SL (1 Gallon) - Same Active ingredient as Arsenal, Imazapyr 2SL, and Polaris

1 gallon containers unavailable - We will send 4x quarts to equal 1 gallon of product

Ecomazapyr 2SL Herbicide will control emergent and floating aquatic vegetation in and around standing and flowing water, including estuarine and marine sites. It may also be used for cut stump, cut stem and frill and girdle treatments within aquatic sites. For basal bark and stem application of brush and trees in non-cropland areas.

For control of undesirable vegetation in grass pasture, rangeland and for establishment and maintenance of wildlife openings (except in the state of California). For control of undesirable vegetation in unimproved industrial non-cropland Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass, and industrial non-cropland areas such as railroad, utility, pipeline and highway rights-of-way, utility plant sites, petroleum tank farms, pumping installations, transmission lines, fence rows, storage areas, around commercial and industrial building perimeters, non-irrigation ditchbanks, access roads, airfields, airports, industrial bare ground areas, and under paved surfaces. For control of undesirable vegetation as a spot treatment of undesirable brush and hardwood vegetation.

WARNING!! Do not spray close to shrubs or desirable plants. Keep double the dripline away from trees. Ecomazapyr 2SL herbicide has a tendency to spread. If you spray a 6 inch band, you may end up with a 12 - 18 inch band of bare ground.