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GrazonNext HL Herbicide - 2 Gallons (Replaces Forefront HL)


Price: $114.95


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GrazonNext HL Herbicide (2 Gallons)

New product available, Gunslinger AMP has the same active ingredients, available in 2.5 gallon jugs.


  • A next-generation herbicide that provides better efficacy on most broadleaf weed species and an outstanding environmental profile, thanks to advanced weed control technology
  • Offers outstanding control of many other broadleaf weeds, especially tough on hard-to-kill perennials
  • Specifically designed for rangeland and pasture use
  • Fast burndown; lasting results
  • Excellent post-emergence and season-long performance on many broadleaf weeds
  • Effectively controls weeds at multiple growth stages allowing for wider application windows
  • Offers flexible rates (1.2 to 2.1 pints/acre), depending on target weeds
  • Safe to desirable grasses, including bahiagrass, bermudagrass, fescue, orchard and mixed native grasses
  • Excellent tank-mix partner with brush control products, such as Remedy Ultra or PastureGard HL herbicides for one-pass weed and brush control
  • May be tank-mixed with liquid fertilizer
  • No grazing restrictions for any type of livestock
  • Can be used on seasonally dry wetlands and can be applied up to water’s edge
  • Nonvolatile, so it stays where it’s sprayed
  • Is not a Federally Restricted Use Pesticide

GrazonNext HL Restrictions and Cautions:

  • Do not cut hay for 14 days after Forefront HL application
  • Take animals off treated pasture for 3 days before transferring to a pasture with susceptible broadleaf crop such as Alfalfa or clover.
  • No Grazing restrictions for any animals!

Milestone Herbicide Diagram