Blackhawk Naturalyte Insecticide - 4 Pounds (Spinosad)


Price: $679.95


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Blackhawk Naturalyte Insecticide - 4 Pounds (Spinosad)

Blackhawk Naturalyte insect control utilizes a unique mode of action to provide fast, effective and consistent control of foliage-feeding insects in a variety of crops, such as potatoes, peanuts, tobacco, sweet corn and sugarbeets. 


  • Offers effective, consistent control of Colorado potato beetle, tobacco budworm, worms, leafminers and thrips
  • As a Group 5 insecticide, the unique mode action makes it an excellent fit in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program
  • Utilizes a unique formulation to help growers receive consistent control of target pests
  • Provides quick knockdown of targeted pests, with good residual control
  • Maintains populations of beneficial insects, not flaring secondary pests
  • Active ingredient, spinosad, was a recipient of the 1999 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award
  • Registered under the Reduced Risk Pesticide Initiative of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
  • Offers a short four-hour re-entry interval (REI) and a short pre-harvest interval (seven days in potatoes)
  • Minimal personal protective equipment (PPE) required
  • Has shown no phytotoxicity to crops