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Coragen eVo Insecticide - 1 Quart (47% Chlorantraniliprole)


Price: $449.95


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Coragen eVo Insecticide - 1 Quart

Coragen delivers reliable, consistent control of key insect pests, including labeled worms and leafminer (larvae), to help achieve high-quality, high-yielding crops, including tomatoes, cucurbits and dozens more.

Powered by Rynaxypyr, Coragen works fast, preventing feeding damage within minutes of exposure. It also provides residual control on treated foliage or fruit from 14 to 21 days and longer in some cases to help prevent the build-up of pest populations, maximizing the yield potential of a crop. Coragen is the only insecticide labeled to control labeled worms through drip chemigation in addition to foliar spray, adding flexibility and eliminating costly trips across fields.


  • Minimal impact on beneficial species
  • Short re-entry interval
  • Short pre-harvest interval